Today I turn 29. My last year as a twenty-something. I don't feel like I have been out of college for 7 years, out of high school for 11, and one year away from thirty. But, I am. I also did not think that a statistic, which I first heard shortly after graduating from college, would apply to me: that most new graduates my age would change careers several times in their lifetime.
My senior year of High School, I received a rejection letter fromWestern Michigan University ’s Theatre program. A fan of History, I had rationalized that, were I to not be accepted into theatre, I would be a history teacher. My grandfather was a teacher, my father and many other family patriarchs had been ministers. Teaching was as close to a family business as was to be had for a young, green Morton with his future ahead of him.
Four years later I sat in the office ofRomulus High School ’s principal with a fellow student-teacher. We were asked why we wanted to be teachers. My fellow future teacher replied with a lovely narrative of her family’s furniture auction business, and how with each new lot of furniture, they sift through it and clean it up in preparation of the day they hand it off to the new owners. She said that it reminded her a lot of what we do as teachers. We receive students as they are, in what ever state they are at the time they breeze through our door. It is our job to do what we can to prepare our charges for the time when we pass them along to the next set of hands to do with them what they can.
My senior year of High School, I received a rejection letter from
Four years later I sat in the office of
The Principal turned to me and I, with my idealism on my sleeve, said that I believed that education had a transformative and liberating power. That for our students, most of whom are classified in educationese as “at risk” (read: lower socioeconomic bracket and ethnically diverse), education is a way of opening their eyes to the challenges and opportunities our country holds for them and to empower them with the knowledge they need to take on the challenges in order to seize their opportunities. Or something like that….
The Principal gave me a look that I did not fully understand until more recently. At the time, it appeared to me to be a disapproving look. Thinking of it now I know that he saw my idealism, and knowing what he did about education, knew that I was in for somewhat of a rude awakening. He asked if we wanted to teach at an “at risk” school and we both enthusiastically replied affirmatively.
Our responses were similar. We liked the challenge of working with students for whom college was not a definite possibility and who we could motivate and whose lives we could have an impact.
About two years later I was driving to work., a school at which I had gained employment after a few months of substitute teaching in the suburbs. This school was exactly what I had hoped for when I was a green, idealistic education student. It served predominantly “at-risk” students from
What I did not know back when I was still an idealistic education student, hoping for a challenging inner-city job at which I could touch lives, was that the reality of education does not quite allow for that type of life touching. Do not misunderstand me – I believe that education is a very important profession and as an educator you can have an important impact in the lives of your students. Primarily this is by educating them according to the subject you teach, but on a personal level, by providing a safe environment where the kids in your charge should be free from many of the pressures they experience outside of school and where they are encouraged to grow intellectually. But I had visions of larger social transformation and justice that are only seen in the occasional remarkable high school, though most often in the movies. The type of transformative action I secretly hoped to spur is just not possible in a profession where your roles are very clearly and narrowly defined, your time with any given student is short, your influence over their opinions (teenagers are rarely influenced more than superficially by the adults in their lives and most often by their social groups, cultural influences and home life) is minimal and your time is overwhelmed by the State’s expectations of what content needs to be covered by June.
I do believe that I have left an impression in the lives of many of my students. I have been present in a few students’ lives when they were going through very personal struggles and have had the opportunity to provide what support I was able within the boundaries expected of teachers. I know from the way my former students still smile at me in the hall and say hello, by the number of students that speak to me on a personal level to talk about interests, make jokes and ask/share opinions that I will be one of those teachers they may remember into adulthood: maybe as the nice teacher, or funny teacher, and maybe (if I may be so bold) the favorite teacher for a few. I try to challenge certain misconceptions about life, stereotypes, the past and origins of various things and I believe that that has also left an impression. And by the end of my second year I was content with that.
In my third year as a teacher, I began to wonder. In that year I became part of a curriculum committee. We were responsible for leading the effort to document and normalize the information about what was being taught at every level in our school and ensure that it aligned with the state’s standards. By the end of the year our committee had expanded to include school improvement as well. The end of that school year was also when Molly’s hospitalization occurred and our second daughter was born.
Seeing the behind the scenes work of the educational profession and tackling head-on what is expected of us as teachers, both in terms of ever increasing documentation, credentialing, and the breadth of what content and skills we are expected to impart made me begin to wonder if I would be able to tolerate a future in education. It also reawakened my forgotten idealism and desire to have a deeper impact in a few individuals’ lives as opposed to a little impact in a lot of lives. I began to feel a nagging desire to have a different role in helping people.
I also had the "good fortune" of seeing several older, burnt out teachers in action. So close to retirement, yet not close enough. I feared that had I continued doing something that was not the right choice for me, I would become that old burnt out teacher (I think of those cliche-but true sayings, such as: if you love what you are doing you will never "work" a day in your life).
Moreover, the financial strain of having the focal point of our lives shifted to the hospital and my wife no longer working AND the costs of a second child (who at the time consumed two $15 canisters of formula a week) revealed to me the fact that my income was not quite high enough. This would have only been compounded by student loan payments that would begin when my Master's degree was completed (oh, yeah, and my school does not give any pay increase once you have completed a graduate degree - real incentive there). My wife put it best: I did not go into teaching to get rich, but I also didn't get into teaching to go bankrupt either.
Molly was the first to suggest I go into law. My mom had always said I should be a lawyer, politician or criminal or some combination of the three. My dad said that he thought it was a great idea. I had considered being a lawyer for a while in high school before I dismissed it as too expensive and unrealistic of a career path for me. But now, it just seemed right. Or was it?
I had some doubts at first: not about going into Law, but about leaving education. Had my years as a teacher been for nothing? My Father imparted some wisdom on me about that. He said that changing careers does not take away what good I did as a teacher. I was a teacher, and I would be a lawyer and I was going to be great at that too.
The farther along this path I have traveled, the more confident I have felt that I am indeed on the right path and that I am fulfilling a vision that God gave me many years ago. While there were things about the education classes I never liked, and the teaching profession that did not sit well with me, Law has just felt like an all around better "fit." And it was not a hasty decision.
I spent a half-year exploring the possibility of going to law school. Another of my early doubts was whether I would enjoy doing the work of a lawyer. This was fueled by my lack of understanding about the wide array of legal fields and legal areas that exist. The more that I learned about the different types of law there were and the different things I could do, the more excited I became. Not only does it involve research (something I have always enjoyed), but so much of law involves problem solving and it gives me the chance to directly help people (not all areas of law are focused narrowly on helping people, so much as helping "people" but I am confident I will find work where I can do good).
In 2008 I took the Law school entrance exam, the LSAT, twice to get the score I wanted. I was accepted, got a scholarship, made it through first semester. I have continued working full time, attending Law school part time, and have completed half of my coursework. All the while I have been a successful law student. I love what I am doing and I am excited about becoming a lawyer - and I admit that I was never as excited about teaching when I was in college.
Ironically, I believe this experience has actually made me a better teacher for my students. I realized at the start of the school year in 2009 that if I was to continue teaching while going to law school, I had to make the best of that time. And since I have no longer been held down by the dread of spending the rest of my life in a job that is not right for me, I actually go into most school days with a positive outlook and a friendly demeanor. I make sure to enjoy my students and I make it a point to be the best teacher I can be (this has largely involved cutting out a lot of crap and following a few general rules: if it (1) does not help make my classroom a safe environment, (2) does not help my students learn, and if it (3) wastes my time and keeps me from making my class a safe learning environment, it goes to the bottom of the priority list.
This may be my last year teaching. It would be a lie to say I won't miss teaching. I enjoy working with kids. And I am not knocking the teaching profession. The people who spend their lives devoted to it are one of our country's greatest treasures (although a treasure that we treat very poorly). I will also miss many of my co-workers.
But, I am excited for the future....
1 comment:
It's really too bad you were born in the wrong era to be a railroad baron, because that, my dear husband, is your TRUE calling.
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