Theology, etc. Bibliography (annotated)

Who Was Jesus? 
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John - the Bible

The Elusive Messiah, Raymond Martin - a historiography of Jesus scholarship

Velvet Elvis, Rob Bell - strip away 2000 years of American and European baggage and what do you have left?

Lamb, Christopher Moore - fiction?  Yes.  100% accurate?  No.  Insightful?  Hell yeah.

What is the "Good News"/Gospel?  ...the Church / "the body of Christ"  ...Discipleship?

Mere Christianity, CS Lewis - my first book from a "Christian Apologetic" - very modern attempt to use reason in support of Christianity

Many witnesses, One Lord, William Barclay - a fantastic analysis of the different voices in the new testament epistles

The Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne - intentional Christian Community "living in the shadow of empire"  

Searching For God Knows What, Donald Miller (among other things - "lifeboat theory" - if there were 5 people on your lifeboat, and there were only provisions for 4, who would you/your culture/your social group/your church kick off - and what does that say about you/your culture/your social group/your church )

Jesus For President, Shane Claiborne - Jesus as a white middle class Republican... nope.

The Heart of Christianity, Marcus Borg - challenges you to reconsider your assumptions about what Christianity is

The Teaching of the 12 (Tony Jones)/ The "Didache" - 1st century Christian Community handbook - 1st year seminary reading

The Great Omission,  Dallas Willard - DISCIPLESHIP IS IMPORTANT - what Jesus said matters, and it should affect how we live.

The Great Emergence, Phyllis Tickle - 2000 years of Christian history at the macro level

The New Christians, Tony Jones - a brief history of the "emergent/emerging" church movement from someone who was there

The Gospel of Thomas - apocrypha, but a good read

Jesus and Non-Violence, A Third Way, Walter Wink - again, what Jesus said matters, and it should affect how we live.

The Shack, William P. Young  (yes, even the Shack)

A Community Called Atonement, Scot McKinght - what the heck is atonement, really? 

In Search of Sacred Places: Looking for Wisdom on Celtic Holy Islands, Daniel Taylor