Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Church Search

It's easy to find a church but more difficult to find a good church- no not good or bad but a spiritual home for me and where I am in my spiritual development and where I am on the path before me. It may be different for us, lets be open and know that I am at a different point that you, with different gifts than you and different struggles and hopes and dreams than you so what is good for you may not be home for me. Oh there are churches on every corner and block. There are the protesters and the Catholics and the non0denominationals of all types. No, you can't not find any church but to find a community, where you feel a part and not apart from those sitting in the pews keeping the cushions warm and staring straight, standing and singing all on cue but not from the heart, not from the gut, not from a place of spiritual vulnerability and hope and brokenness and joy and surrender. No, to find a church is not as simple as letting your fingers do the walking or surfing to a site or asking a friend. It takes a little walking and trying and trying again and direction and openness and guidance and patience. If you look for it, you will find that church that is not just a building or a social club but a community and a family and when you find it you will know before you even know and it will fit and it will be a home.

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