A Bang?
A void or a vacuum?
A Word?
A Creator?
Like the ancients said, chaos!
The space within the great yawning, gaping mouth of the creator
at the apex of inhaling just two moments before the word was spoken
that hurled forth creation.
And in the moment before,
when the exhaling breath of God rushed forth into the void,
chasing away the vacuum as the heat and moisture, the substance,
the divine phlegm, fills up the space!
The first moment, then, as the first word was spoken and time began,
the clock began
the clock began
(though faster for us holding still and slower for us moving quickly!),
and a sound like a shock wave set all matter a-thrummin'
as the very sinew of the smallest subatomic particles began to vibrate,
each settling into its own rhythm that makes it all distinctive.
And then the collisions began!
As the atoms clump and cluster and the matter bumps and sticks
and from gases clumping come clouds
and even the clouds began igniting and burned
as new elements formed from the flame, and
new clumps grew
and were slung about the flaming massive centers
of each spinning gravitational top
all dancing and spinning like some mad ball at the creation of the cosmos.
Then cooling clumps of material
and the very ground we walk on
and the cooling gases settled in the low places, very deep.
And the condensation formed above
and the basic building blocks were there
to develop, evolve, resolve into (after some time had passed)
a walking-talking-thinking-thing which was because it thought.
and the basic building blocks were there
to develop, evolve, resolve into (after some time had passed)
a walking-talking-thinking-thing which was because it thought.
Does it matter how it came to be or only that it is?
Was it like a ball of clay from which the shape was carefully formed?
Or perhaps a ball of matter (all matter) vibrating with the force
of all creations' potential energy waiting to unfurl?
of all creations' potential energy waiting to unfurl?
Perhaps merely the wave of a divine magic wand, but that lacks creativity.
And surely a creator
of the sun and moon and earth and stars and all plants and animals and fish in the sea
is more creative than that.
of the sun and moon and earth and stars and all plants and animals and fish in the sea
is more creative than that.
And in the very words
the vibration of creation and
the process of a million years
to enjoy the development of a universe,
so mysterious in its form and all its workings.
the vibration of creation and
the process of a million years
to enjoy the development of a universe,
so mysterious in its form and all its workings.