Friday, March 21, 2008

If I lived in San Francisco I would join this community...

SEVEN Mantra

To Creator, obedience
To creation, service
To each other, community

In all things, love
In all things, love

For life, prayer
With possessions, simplicity
In our world, creativity

In all things, love
In all things, love

Read more about this Christian community's vows:

Seven Community / ReImagine Vows

What I believe.

This is pretty close:
"Once upon a time I believed in a great many things. Now I believe only in a few things, but I believe in them more deeply than I ever thought possible. That God exists, that God is love and that Jesus is the son of God - these things I believe. Everything else is up for debate."
[Maggi Dawn, quoting one of her Theology professors, Christian Century, 3/11/08 p. 37]

I also agree with many (most...all...) of the beliefs expressed in this testimony from Anne Rice (yes, the author who writes all the vampire books)

but, I don't fully agree with this guy - I can see where he is coming from, but I believe in a God who can surpass our human understanding...